Stepping into the Fullness of Time

Galatians  4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,

It was at the appointed time that God sent Jesus Christ, His only son to this word for man's redemption and deliverance from the bondage of sin for there is time and seasons for everything

The fullness of time means that at exactly the right moment and at the right time and place, GOD’s purpose and plan was  unfolded and revealed. It is the fullness of time that allows you to see another day. It is the fullness of time that brought salvation to mankind

At GOD’s own appointed, the fullness of time, God sent His son; and it will still be in the fullness of time that GOD will show up.

Has anyone ruled you out and said you cannot make it? Has anyone told you to forget it; you are wasting your time? They may seem right because nothing is happening now or it is humanly impossible. But wait for the fullness of time, GOD will show up for you, GOD will keep HIS promises.

Hannah was in the same situation when her rival has ruled her out, daily she was provoked and called barren, She has been going to Shiloh for years, but God gave her a son at the appointed time when her time was full, Not just an ordinary child but a glorious one

In the Gospel of Luke 13:10-13 the scripture tells us of a particular woman. The bible says, as our LORD JESUS was teaching in the synagogue; and HE said, "lo and behold, a woman who had the spirit of infirmity for eighteen years and was bent over and could not raise herself was there in the synagogue".

With that condition she came to the synagogue regularly. She did not come to beg. She was a regular attendee to the synagogue.  but the day  JESUS saw her  was the day  her own fullness of time came.

When Jesus saw her,  He called her to himself, and He said  "woman you are feeling loosed from your infirmity" . He proceeded and laid hands on her, and immediately she was made straight; and glorified GOD. That day was her own fullness of time to be free from the spirit of infirmity. Recall that she was not in her house on a Sabbath day but in the synagogue, the right place at the right time.

Some of us are not committed to growing in grace and in obedience. You can step into your fullness of time in obedience and commitment.

If You have not given your life to JESUS, What are you waiting for? You are delaying your fullness of time. JESUS wants to show up in your case. Come and make commitment to be a child of GOD. Come to Him, He is waiting.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, let the Fullness of my time for deliverance and breakthrough come in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, give me the grace to wait for your arrival in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.