God's full reward

Ruth 2:11 And Boaz answered and said unto her, It hath fully been shewed me, all that thou hast done unto thy mother in law since the death of thine husband: and how thou hast left thy father and thy mother, and the land of thy nativity, and art come unto a people which thou knewest not heretofore. 2:12 The LORD recompense thy work, and a full reward be given thee of the LORD God of Israel, under whose wings thou art come to trust.

God is a rewarder! God has said much about rewarding His servants. Sometimes it comes when we least expected, it may look like it will never come but certainly, God always reward His people 

The life of Ruth is a lesson to everyone, she got married to her husband and in no time she became a widow, this incidence is enough for her to remain in her land rather than following her mother inlaw to her own land. 

As kind as she was believing that no one could console her mother inlaw in her grieve of her late husband and two sons, she stayed with her and even work for her so as to survive daily. 

Her story was proclaimed before boaz, her diligence, hardworking, and believe in the God of the Jews were all talked about. This moved boaz to repay her good conduct. And this couldn't be possible without God's influence. 

When your ways pleases the Lord, when you work diligently before Him by dedicating your life to Him, He will surly give you a full reward which your soul deserves. 

In so many ways and for some reasons God's rewards His people

God rewards those who diligently seek him. Hebrews 11:6 says, ‘he rewards those who earnestly seek him.’ Even the lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the Lord lack no good thing (Psalm 34:10). 

God rewards those who practice and exemplify the nature and character of Jesus! It is very easy to love those close to us and bestow favours on our loved ones but It takes the nature of Christ to forgive those who trespass against us, bless those who curse us and do good to those who hate us

God rewards those who SUPPORT his servants, Jesus said, “He who receives you receives me, and he who receives me receives Him who sent me. He who receives a prophet in the name of a prophet shall receive a prophet’s reward. And he who receives a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous man’s reward.

God rewards those who are SIMPLE in their spiritual disciples The Bible says in Matthew 6:1-7 that God rewards those who do not make a public display of their charity or show off their spirituality

God rewards those who are persecuted and reviled because of their devotion and dedication to him! In situations where your personal relationship to Christ is odious to others and your declaration of His Great Name is an offence to their sensibilities, your constancy and faithfulness to Christ results in great reward

God rewards those who labour in his name. We have been commissioned to bear witness unto Him and are called to be labourers together with Him. We are here to glorify Him, to exalt His name not to make a name for ourselves. Our efforts on His behalf should result in people seeing Him and not us. When we do whatever we do to glorify His name, He will reward us

If you have sacrificed much for God and it seems all hope is lost, don't be weary, God's full reward is coming your way, he will surprise you when you least expected.

If you desire a full reward from God, make straight your ways, work diligently before Him, and let your steadfastness be rooted in the nature of Christ Jesus. 

God bless you

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, do not let your full reward pass me by in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, influence people for my sake just as you influenced boaz for Ruth in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank your lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.