Don't give room for doubt

James  1:6 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.  1:7 For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.  1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

Living a life of total dependant on God sometimes doesn't come easy, at a point when you reach a crossed road you begin to doubt the true power and existence of God.  Not because you do not have faith in Him but the present situation has overwhelmed you to the point of loosing it. 

I know many of us has been in that situation, broken and down, rejected and forsaken, a time of no hope, a time fear troubled the heart because of the impending shame, yet our faith must stand strong because a little doubt can make us miss the redemptive plan  of God for our lives. 

But our doubt in God if He is capable of fighting our battle or kind enough to bless us is one of the tool the devil use to obstruct our relationship with God. When we doubt God, we limit Him, we limit His power that ought to manifest in our life.

A double minded man has no stable way of life, when you doubt God, you automatically conclude God is not worthy enough to be trusted and depended on. 

When God promised Abraham a son, He expected him to be full of faith while waiting for the promise. Even when he wanted to doubt, God called his attention to walk before Him and be perfect. A time of doubt brought about Hagia and Ishmael which brought about rivalry and jealousy in his house. 

Many of us are still in problem and difficulty because we often doubt the promises of God, we often believe His promises is impossible just because we have suffered a long time or we estimated how it will come to pass with our own human understanding.

God's promises can never bear fruit where doubt is the soil... His promises germinate on a soil of faith, and it grows with patience.

Do not give room for doubt, doubting always postpone God's blessings, and withheld God's intervention in one's life. When you doubt God, you automatically limit God's power and grace, and your heart will be easily manipulated by the devil. 

Instead of doubt, fill your heart with faith, hope and total dependence on God no matter the troubling and tempting situation, always hold unto God, then be expectant of your blessings. 

God bless you 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of another day like this in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, forgive me for doubting your words in my life in Jesus Christ name.

3. Help me to trust you, even when I can't understand in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.