
Luke  16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.

Being faithful is to be loyal and steadfast in what one finds to do. It is a true character of being just, trustworthy, dependable and reliable. 

God desires everyone to be trustworthy, by this He test His servants with little things before entrusting them with greater things. 

Learning from the life of Joseph, it can be revealed that it is good to be faithful in any circumstances one may find him/herself. 

Joseph is one incredible young man. At the end of Genesis 39, the scripture affirms that God was with Joseph, which equates with the concept that Joseph was still faithful to God after his great disappointment.

 Life was still very difficult for Joseph, he had really reached a low point. Think of all the disappointments and discouraging circumstances Joseph had experienced by this point. 

He had been hated by his brothers, not for anything he had done wrong, but for his father's favoritism, and because his brothers likely had deserved the bad report he had brought back about him. 

Then he had been betrayed by his brothers, nearly killed, and then sold into slavery in Egypt, all without deserving any of the evil that had come upon him. And just as things begin to go really well for him in Egypt as Potiphar's overseer, he is falsely accused, the false accusation is believed, and now he's in prison. 

Joseph could have easily concluded that no good deed goes unpunished, that God was not with him, that it didn't pay to serve God or avoid temptation, or faithfully to accomplish his responsibilities, and given up on God. 

He could have blown up spiritually at this point, really believing God had abandoned him. But he remains faithful. And the result is that God has blessed him and given him favor with the chief jailer. And more than that, he was made the prime minister of the whole of Egypt. His faithfulness in the house of Portiphar earned him the position of a prime minister as he remained in God. 

Remain faithful in small things in difficult times. Remain faithful in small things at difficult times. We have to believe that God is working in and through our lives even when things don't go our way, even when circumstances fall out against us, as they did with Joseph time after time. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key :
1. Lord, thank you for your blessings today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for not bring faithful in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to be faithful in any circumstances I find myself in Jesus Christ name 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name.