God will judge your Stewardship

1 Peter  4:10 As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.

A steward is someone who is placed to manage, oversee or coordinate  something... A steward could mean a caretaker who give reports to the owner of his/her stewardship. 

As believers in Christ, we are all caretakers, stewards of God's kingdom, being placed to oversee one office or the other. 

Some are called to be pastor, evangelist, prophet, Bishop, teacher and endowed with some spiritual gifts, some are called to be counsellor, missionary and workers in other areas in the house of God. 

Being a husband of a home is an office, being a leader of an organisation is an office of a steward. We are placed in each of the offices by grace to lead some certain people and to use our gifts and grace given to us to fulfil the purpose and will of God. 

Irrespective of how we react or respond to this call of  stewardship, we will surely be judged by God who has employed us into such offices. 

How best are you handling the office God gave you?, how well are you managing His resources which you have been endowed with? 

The expectation of God from every steward is for them to communicate His will and purpose to the people  he has called them to manage, it is to maintain unbroken relationship with Him, and it is to faithfully deliver at the end. 

You will surly be judged for all  you are doing  being His steward, either you are doing it faithfully or you compromise His standard. His judgment exclude no one. 

The disciples were held accountable for maintaining  godly presets in the early church through the direction of the Holy spirit. They never compromise the standard of godly virtues among the people. 

How well are you maintaining office God has privileged you to oversee.... 

As a husband, God will judge you on your family... How well you maintain God's love and godly principles. 

As a minister of the Gospel, God will judge you on how well you deliver His messages to the people, and how well you maintain unbroken relationship with the Holy spirit. 

As a public office holder, God will judge you on how you use your office. Either to help the society or to inflict suffering on your subjects. 

As you live your life, as you are observing your stewardship, always remember that one day, you will be judged of all you did being a steward. 

Judge yourself, before God judge you. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to use my office to your glory in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me to be a faithful steward in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.