Give me to Drink

John  4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

Jesus had just completed his ministerial work in judea and need to press forward unto Galilie, but there must  be a means to pass through Samaria. He came to a city in the country of Samaria called Sychar, being tired, He sat on a well which belong to Jacob.

A woman of Samaria came to draw water, so Christ beckoned that she should give Him to drink... John  4:7 There cometh a woman of Samaria to draw water: Jesus saith unto her, Give me to drink.

The scenario that occurred between Christ and this woman is wisdom that every believer in Christ should desire of.

Christ being God in man was tired... Because he carries the mortal body.... Him, being the son of God does not proves that He misuses His divine power... He subjected himself to the realm of this world.

He desired to drink, He could have used the divine power to command water out of the well with ease, His track record of performing miracles, signs  and wonders is enough to believe He can do more... After all he had first turned water to wine, fed five thousand with two loaves of bread and two fishes... But He insisted to be entertained by this woman of Samaria.

Sometimes when God desired something from us, it is not that he cannot do it by himself... After all He is God by himself, but because he wants to work in us and bless our life through it... Truthfully we cannot help God, desiring something from us is inviting us into His unlimited grace.

Christ beckoned, give me to drink, but she first gave Christ an understanding that her Ancestors paid for the land where the well  was, dug the well and gave it as an inheritance to their generation. She even presented a copy of the certificate of occupancy to Jesus, meanwhile even before Jacob was born, the earth is of the Lord and everything therein

Just as many do today, you boast of the number of years you spent in school, how you crack your brain to acquire the degree you have, how you had sleepless night, how you went through a lot to acquire your wealth, or how you waited for so long to have that baby... Yet God is asking... Give me to drink...

Give me your certificate and take the ministry, give me your money, give me your time, give me your son, just like Hannah, give me your land, etc...

Whatever God is requesting from you, He has far better and greater thing to give in return. Jesus Christ asked for a cup of water, but He is giving the water of life in return..

What you loose to God will give you greater blessing beyond your understanding in return.

God is asking you today.... Give me to drink.

Give me your time...
Give me your money...
Give me your job....
Give me your will...
Give me your talent...
Give me your desire..  Etc
Are you wiling to give God today? Or starve God of your water?

All He requires from you is not as important to Him than what He is willing to give you.

The truth is, both you, the Well, and your ancestors are owned by God... You actually own northing.

The samarithan woman was not foolish in not giving Christ water... She was blessed and became a blessing to others...

You can also be blessed too and be a blessing to others only if you give God water to drink out of your well.

He is still asking.... Give me to drink.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name

2. Lord, forgive me for denying you the water from my well in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me not to loose the opportunity of your grace in Jesus Christ name

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.