God behind the Scene

Genesis  50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

While growing up as a kid I always wonder how some movies were put out together, at first it may not make meaning or any sense especially the ones with series of episodes, but at the end the first scene will make a meaning. 

So also the way God works in our life, His first step to our  deliverance, redemption, blessing or upliftment may not make any meaning at all to us as man but the end result will surely justify His first instruction that makes no sense. He is actually working behind the Scene to bring every pieces together for our best. 

At some point our destination may be at the North, but His instruction first reads "take the route to the south".  It may makes no meaning because we are actually traveling in the opposite direction of our destination. Yet, that's the best way to bring us to our very desired destination. 

Joseph was a child full of glory better than all his brethren, on few occasions he dreamt of becoming great in life, but this didn't come to pass as he would have expected... God himself wrote the script of his life. 

Scene One: The Dream. 
God wanted Joseph to be a ruler in Egypt, but there is no way Joseph will ever leave the side of jacob because  he loved him deeply in his heart... So God initiated a separation plan. 

He brought dreams on two occasions to him in his sleep, and the young boy couldn't curtail  his curiosity,  he explained to his father and brethren,  it actually stared up anger and hatred in the family. Meanwhile, he was just acting according to the script of God,

Scene Two:  The Plot 

No one wants to be a slave of another, not even to a kid, so his elder brothers plotted against him, tore his garment of many colours, cast him into the pit, and latter sold him to the very place God wanted him to go... 

Note:. Joseph may have prayed to the God of his father for deliverance from the hands of his brothers, but he never knew it was actually God behind the scene of the whole drama. 

Many times when you pray and it seems your prayers are not answered, instead, your situation becomes worse... Never too worry, it is God behind the Scene... You just continue acting. 

Scene Three: The Test. 
Truly we have been given prophecies and visions of becoming great in life, but He would want to test us with little things if perhaps we would be faithful in it, so as to make us become overseer of greater things.... Remember.... Luke  16:10 He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much:

God brought him to the house of Portiphar in other to be tested. He thought he had come to the fulfilment of his destiny but didn't know its just a fragment of what is to come. 

From a comfortable home to prison... It was still God behind the Scene... Some times when we thought our prayer has been answered and we are faced with some test, we wish to serve God in  righteousness but the consequences we have to face  is to be  back to level zero... Don't be bittered, it is God all the way.. 

Final scene.... The throne. 

After passing the test for greatness, God brought him to the throne, and he never went back to the  prison for the rest of his life.  The first scene that never make sense in the begining... eventually makes a lot of sense at the end. 

He confirms to his brothers that, they shouldn't be bittered, they are just actors in the movie of his life which God himself directed. Genesis  50:20 But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

What you are going through is actually the hand of God.  All you have to do is follow His instructions.. The end will surely make a lot of sense. 

The business God is asking you to delve into may not make sense now... 

The person God wants you to marry may not be your best choice. 

The steps God wants you to take may not make sense to the look of man, 

Don't worry, just follow the script, unlike in the movie which you can fast forward, with God, you have to be patient and obedient to His words. 

Don't alter the script of God for your life.... Its ending may be dangerous. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name 

2. Lord, help me to act according to your script of my life in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the grace to be patient with you in all ways in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.