Wait or be Wasted

Psalm 27:14 Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.

Some times, what happens to us should not have happen,  if appropriate measures had been applied.

Abraham and Sarah could not wait for the unfailing God,
they helped themselves, and latter discovered it was not necessary.

King Soul could not wait for God's direction from Samuel,  his kingdom was turn apart

Gehazi could not wait for the appropriate time to receive blessing,  the line of prophet was ended on Him,  and also receive course that last through his entire  generation

*It is better to wait for God's time, so that one does not discover at the end that one has foolishly lost all.*

It pays to wait for God in "all things "

    *Don't be faster than God*.

I pray,  in the journey of life,  you will not be wasted in Jesus name.