A renewed heart

Acts  4:32 And the multitude of them that believed were of one heart and of one soul: neither said any of them that ought of the things which he possessed was his own; but they had all things common.

Shortly after the conversion of the people,  after being saved,  they began to do things in common, they began to see themselves as one big family,  who have everything to share together without fear or prejudice,  despite coming from different backgrounds

After an encounter with Christ,  they were giving a new name,  their hearts were transformed,  thereby needed not to live in the old nature.

*Until your heart is renewed in Christ,  then you can see every believer in Christ as your family not minding culture,  race,  color or language,*

It is then,  you will be able to live according to the standard and conformation of Christ,  who is the head of the one big family

*If you are yet to live peaceable with everyone around you,  then your heart is not renewed yet,  and you need the refining fire of Christ through his word and prayer.*

Checkmate your life character with the character of Christ. 

May your heart be renewed in Jesus name.