Our God is not a wicked God.

The way you relate with Him, is just the same way He will relate with you.

David acknowledge God in ... Psalm 18:25 O Lord, you are faithful to those who are faithful to you;
    completely good to those who are perfect.
26 You are pure to those who are pure,
    but hostile to those who are wicked.
27 You save those who are humble,
    but you humble those who are proud.

When things are not working well for you, checkmate your life with God's word

When things are difficult, compare your want  with God's will.

God is always faithful to those who are faithful to Him..

God can do more abundantly than you ever expect only if you get closer to Him.

*The more you move closer, the more He reveals Himself to you*.

God is not wicked; it’s just that you don't understand Him.
God bless you