It can never be Enough

1 Timothy  6:10 For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

Money is Good,  pleasant to be desire, 
Answers to some things

The authority of the rich, 

The God of the poor.

But it's love,  is the root of all evil.

Money can never be enough,

If you you have the whole world full of money , you will still desire to have more.

It can buy you many things but cannot buy you everything 

The more you have,  the more problem you get

Money can never be enough.

Why do u have to sell your soul to have it.

Why do u have to kill, to get it?

Don't get money at all cost.

Do your work and let God bless it.

Wealth and riches that comes from God gives peace and rest of mind.

God bless you.