Have you met your prophet yet?

Acts  3:6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.

Many days this  lame man will be brought to the temple gate to collect alms, 

several men of God had already passed but was unable to heal him, 

Throughout the ministry of Jesus Christ despite His frequent visit to the temple,  this man was not healed. 

But at a point he met his prophets,  (Peter and John),  his life received a total turnaround. 

Consider Hannah who has been going to Shillo for many years,  until she was noticed. 

Until you meet your prophet,  before some turnarounds can be done in your life, 

*The person you are running to may not be your prophet reason why you are not healed yet,  and the person you neglect may equally be your God ordained prophet.*

You only need to be positioned,  at the right time,  for you to be located.   

You can be on crusades grounds,  even be the first person in attendance and yet not torched by God. 

*It is God that will answer your prayers,  but He will surely send someone,  that person is your prophet.*

But today,  I pray,  May God connect you with your heaven ordained prophet in Jesus name. 

God bless you,