The song of the redeemed

Exodus  15:2 The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation: he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation; my father's God, and I will exalt him.

The children of Israel had labored long and hard in Egypt,  the strings of whips,  and the death of their sons.

But then  God intervened,  and by His strength set them free,  this made the Lord become their song. , 

When God becomes your song,  He becomes your saviour and redeemer,  and not just the supreme ruler

He becomes the one in your heart and not just somebody up there

He becomes your plans,  and not just the ruler of planets.

Our God gives us a song,  the world needs to hear this song,  let them hear God's song in you. 

Jesus Christ  himself is the song of the redeemed. 
When you have Jesus Christ,  you have everything,  because he will lead you by hand to the source of all things. 

  God bless you.