The Greatest mistake we can Make

Numbers  32:23 But if ye will not do so, behold, ye have sinned against the LORD: and be sure your sin will find you out.

Everyone makes mistakes,  some serious,  which involves life or death,  while some not serious.

Sin will affect our fellowship with God ,  breaking our fellowship and robbing  us of the joy of the Lord in our lives. 

Sin is serious,  for the fact that only the death of Christ can atone for its

Sin have  the power to affect our family,  bringing generational curses and unending calamity.

Sin can affect us forever if we fail to repent,  making unbelievers to face their sins in judgement.

The Greatest mistake we can ever make is thinking we can get away with our sins

Sin is deadly and can still,  kill and even destroy. 

Think of the reason Jesus Christ came to this world.

Repent from all your sins,  turn away from it,  and start a new life of righteousness in  Christ.

The sin you bury  today can bury you in Hell.  Repent.

God bless you...