Spiritual Failure

James  2:26 For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.

Many people memorizes favorite bible verses on blessing and yet remain poor  ,

Many have the faith that can move mountain by being blessed by God withing a second without work.

But God is not a magician .

*God must see something in You , in which He will bless you with*

David was a Shepard before he was called to Shepard a city.

The boy only have 5 loves of bread and 2 fishes before he was blessed with 12 basket full.

Joseph was blessed through his gift of interpretation of dreams.

The woman with the issue of blood had faith,  but more importantly she has strength,  courage and fearless attitude to walk through the crowd in approaching Jesus despite all odds of smelling and disgusting breaking . 

*What you can do + Faith = God's blessing*

*What you have is enough for God to bless you,  if you have faith*

Start doing something .

*Don't be a spiritual failure*

*may God bless you with the work of your hands in Jesus name*