Ability that equals opportunity

2 Kings  4:31 And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Wherefore he went again to meet him, and told him, saying, The child is not awaked.

Gehaz was a servant of prophet Elisha,  a prophet in view,  who has gone through several trainings through the word and  actions from his master

A time came for him to show how well he has learned

It was a time to show his usefulness, 

It was a time to prove the power of God in Him,

 But despite being loaded,  he was unable to deliver

*He was loaded,  but it was not enough for the task, he was available,  but not relevant*

And as for many as  well,

Several opportunities has passed you by,  just because your ability was not enough

You have great business ideas  but no capital

You are not called,  just because you don't have the capability

*Until God gives you  the ability that equals your opportunity struggle is inevitable,  You will only be available but not relevant*

I decree unto you this day,  May God give you the ability that equals every opportunities that  comes your way in Jesus name. 

Good Morning