Submit yourself to God

James  4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.

Submission is the act of yielding or giving away something to another with total resignation

In the verse above,  we are admonished to submit ourselves to God in other to win the battle with the Devil. 

Today,  many are times we want to fight our battle by ourselves,  thinking we can actually win,  but sadly we keep failing

The power to resist the devil comes only when we have totally submitted ourselves to God,  who is ready to equip us with the winning power over the devil. 

*You cannot win over the devil if you are yet to surrender your totality to God*

The problem persist just because you are fighting alone with no  resources

Until you submit yourself to God,  then you can actually resist the devil, 

*Your Victory depends in the power of God, Submit yourself to God and have your victory*.

God bless you.