On Time and on Target

Galatians  4:4 But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,  4:5 To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Our God is always on time,  how impatient we become when things don't work out as planned : when our prayers are not answered or when difficulties persist.

But God is always on time...

... Joseph was sold into slavery and imprisoned,  He later becomes the prime minister

.... Moses preserved in the wilderness

... The red sea experience : the sea opened just in time.

God was right on time with the birth of Jesus Christ

.. So long to be fulfilled it must have seemed.

... The promise in the Garden,  the prophesies,  the silence and after the angelic visit to Mary. 

God is always on time in His workings in our lives

...you are not here by accident

... Your difficulties are opportunities to believe 

God meets people where they are,  and wants to change them from what they are to what they can be. 

This can only be possible in your if you allow Jesus Christ  into your life.  And also be willing to direct your ways

God is always on time, delay comes when you are not in good terms with Him(Sin)

Make a decision with him today,  and save yourself years of struggle

God bless you.