God of yesterday, is still the same God today

Hebrews  13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.

Jesus Christ that fed five thousand souls with five loves of bread and two fishes is still the same Jesus today.

Jesus Christ ,  that raised Lazarous from dead is still the same Jesus today, 

Jesus Christ that made Peter to walk on water,  is still the same Jesus today, 

Jesus Christ that calm the storm,  is still the same Jesus today.

Jesus that gave Bathemous  a new sight,  is still the same Jesus Christ today.

But the difference is,  we fail to serve God like in the days of old,

We fail to trust God,  like people did in the days of old. 

We fail to serve God in righteousness and holiness,  like in the days of old. 

If we must experience the supernatural power  like in the days of old,  then  we must be able...

... To serve Him Unconditionally
... To sacrifice all for Him
To depend on Him alone.

God of Abraham,  Isaac,  Jacob,  Elijah,  Elisha,  Jeremiah,  etc is still the same God today. 

*God can manifest like in the days of old,  only if you worship and serve him like in the days of old, Or even better*