Just one person needed

Nehemiah  1:4 And it came to pass, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned certain days, and fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven,

Neheniah saw the need for the rebuilding of his city,  despite being in captive,  he moved,  firstly through prayer,  and always through confrontation. 

He never waited for a group discussion,  he never waited for Committees to be setup,  he stood up,  and challenge the problem

Problems around do not need members of committee most time, you don't need to consult groups of people to seek opinions. 

All you need is God on your side. 
Don't keep quiet,  don't keep mute,  stand in the gap,   challenge the situation,  challenge the problem, the world needs you.

Just you alone can provide solution to the problem of the country,  your state,  your town and your family,  provided God on  your side. 

He prayed,  then he took step. 

Take a step today,  the world is waiting for you.