They that trust in the Lord

Isaiah  40:31 But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

At times, it seems God is deaf to our yawning

As if God hates us so much that He doesn’t want to see to our situation

As if God has gone on leave

Or as if God doesn't even exist at all

but one thing that keeps my hope alive,  Is the blessing of life for seeing another blessed day

Because the bible says, when there is life, there is surely hope

In as much as I cannot go back to yesterday to plead my cause

Neither can I run pass today to meet tomorrow, to preserve a place for myself in the future

So will I continue to trust God

Even though I don’t know when I was born, I just met myself in that family,

I guess not by accident, or by coincident,

But my faith is, everyone is born for a unique purpose

So as I race for life, I know there is one supernatural being who control the affairs of the universe.

Your beginning may be poor
Your present life may be disgusting
And your future may seems not be in view

But one thing is sure, Jehovah sees, and He knows

He is right with you,

Keep trusting in God, even if it seems He’s not coming at all

He will show up when you less expected at the right time you need Him most

God bless you

keep trusting in God