A Fool from Start to Finish (Luke 12:16-21)

Luke  12:20 But God said unto him, Thou fool, this night thy soul shall be required of thee: then whose shall those things be, which thou hast provided?

A little story of a man by Jesus to the disciples,  who thought in himself he had enough,  having nothing to worry about.

This man's prosperity was all earthly,  His farm produced plentifully,  he has pride in his great harvest,  he has time to build a new barns,  everyone saw this fool as a success.  *but something important  was missing*

Everything he possessed were temporary *wealth that can perish in a minute*

He was not right hand towards God
His security cannot save him when death approaches,  *This night thy soul shall be required of thee*

His possessions would profit nothing,  his heirs would fight over him,  *He had not prepared for eternity*

*Just like you.*

You only lay up earthly treasures,  with no second thought of your life after death, 

You make yourself strong security here on earth yet,   fail  to know that no security can stop death. 

*What if this night will be your last?*
*Where will you spend your eternity*
*This is the day of your salvation*
*Don't be a fool; Trust Christ as your saviour today*

If you die without Christ... *you are a full from start to finish*

The door is still open.