The unjust steward

Luke 16:8 And the lord commended the unjust steward, because he had done wisely: for the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.

The story from the verse above is the story of the unjust steward. This story tells us about a rich man who had a steward that he accused of wasting his possessions. 

The steward was then asked to give an account of his stewardship before he was fired. In response, the steward did something surprising. He went to the rich man's debtors and reduced their debts, making friends with them so that they would welcome him when he was out of a job.

When the rich man found out what the steward had done, he commended him for his shrewdness. There are lessons we can learn from this story. 

First, we can see that the steward was dishonest and unfaithful in his duties. He was entrusted with the rich man's possessions, but he misused them for his own gain. In the same way, we have been entrusted with many blessings in our lives - our talents, our time, our resources. It is important that we use these blessings wisely and for the glory of God, rather than for our own selfish purposes.

Second, we can see that the steward's actions, while dishonest, were also shrewd. He recognized that his time as a steward was coming to an end, and he used his position to build relationships that would benefit him in the future. This reminds us that we should be wise and prudent in our dealings with others, always looking for ways to build relationships that are based on love and trust.

Third, we can see that the rich man commended the steward for his shrewdness. While we might be tempted to think that the rich man was endorsing the steward's dishonesty, it is more likely that he was commending him for his ability to think creatively and to act decisively. We too should strive to be creative and decisive in our lives, seeking out opportunities to serve God and others in new and meaningful ways.

Finally, we can see that the steward's actions had consequences. He may have made friends with the rich man's debtors, but he also created enemies among those who had previously benefited from his dishonesty. In the same way, our actions have consequences, both positive and negative. We must always be mindful of the impact that our choices will have on those around us, and strive to make choices that are consistent with God's will.

The story of the unjust steward reminds us of the importance of using our blessings wisely, being shrewd and prudent in our dealings with others, and always being mindful of the consequences of our actions. May God help us to be good stewards. Amen 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, forgive me for being an unjust steward in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the wisdom and discernment to love my life in accordance with your will in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name