Holy Ghost Anointing

Acts 10:38 How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

The anointing of the Holy Ghost is the impartation of God’s grace and power to work, it is God's manifestation having an expression in the life of man.

In Act 10:38, we witness the anointing of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, by God Himself with the Holy Ghost and power. This anointing was not a casual occurrence but a divine appointment for a specific purpose.

The anointing of Jesus was intended to equip Him for His ministry on earth. It empowered Him to do good and bring healing to all who were oppressed by the devil. Jesus' anointing was not limited to performing miracles but also extended to teaching, preaching, and demonstrating God's love and compassion.

The anointing Jesus received was a divine impartation from God. It was a mark of God's favor and approval. God, in His infinite wisdom, chose to anoint His Son with the Holy Ghost, thereby demonstrating His presence, power, and authority in Jesus' life and ministry.

The anointing experienced by Jesus is not confined to Him alone. As followers of Christ, we are called to carry on His work and continue His ministry in the world. The Holy Ghost anointing is not a thing of the past but is available to every believer today.

Before His ascension, Jesus promised His disciples that they would receive the Holy Spirit, who would empower them to be witnesses for Him (Acts 1:8). This promise was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit was poured out upon the early believers. The same promise extends to us today, offering us the opportunity to be anointed by the Holy Ghost.

The Holy Ghost anointing is not merely a religious experience or a symbol of spirituality. It is an empowerment that equips us to fulfill our calling as disciples of Christ.

 Through the anointing, we receive power, wisdom, boldness, and spiritual gifts to impact our world and bring glory to God. The Holy Spirit enables us to continue the work of Jesus, reaching out to the lost, healing the broken-hearted, and setting the captives free.

To experience the fullness of the Holy Ghost anointing, we must actively seek and cultivate a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit. Here are a few practical steps to help us embrace the anointing:

1. Surrender to the Holy Spirit:
We must surrender our lives completely to the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Let us yield our desires, plans, and ambitions to Him, allowing Him to have full control over every area of our lives.

2. Seek Intimacy with the Holy Spirit:
We need to spend time in prayer, worship, and the study of God's Word, seeking intimacy with the Holy Spirit. As we develop a close relationship with Him, we become more sensitive to His leading and are better equipped to discern His voice and

3. Cultivate a Lifestyle of Obedience:
The Holy Ghost anointing flourishes in an atmosphere of obedience. We must align our lives with God's Word and follow His commandments. Obedience opens the doors for the Holy Spirit to work mightily in and through us.

4. Hunger and Thirst for More:
We should develop a hunger and thirst for more of the Holy Spirit's presence and anointing. Just as a parched traveler longs for water, let us earnestly desire a deeper experience of the Holy Ghost anointing. Continually seek His filling and empowerment.

5. Walk in Faith and Boldness:
The Holy Ghost anointing empowers us to step out in faith and boldness. Let go of fear and insecurity, knowing that the same Holy Spirit who anointed Jesus resides within us. Trust in His power and step into the opportunities He places before us.

 The Holy Ghost anointing is not a distant reality but a present-day experience available to each one of us. Just as God anointed Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, so He anoints us to carry on His work in the world.

 Let us embrace this anointing and allow the Holy Spirit to empower us to do great exploits for the Kingdom of God. May we walk in the fullness of His anointing, impacting lives, bringing healing and restoration, and advancing the Gospel to the ends of the earth. In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, amen.

God bless you 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, anoint me with the Holy Ghost in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, make me grow in the spirit daily in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.