Comfort Zion

Zechariah 1:17 Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the LORD shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem.

God's promises to His people always come when they needed it the most, this was not different to the people of Zion with the promise of Restoration and comfort. 

 Prophet Zechariah was tasked with delivering this message of hope to a nation that had experienced exile, destruction, and despair. It is a message that resonates with us today, as we navigate the challenges and hardships of our own lives.

Zion, often used as a metaphor for the people of God, represents a place of dwelling, security, and spiritual connection. It is a symbol of God's abiding presence among His people. However, there are times when Zion finds itself in a state of desolation, where the comforts and blessings seem distant and unattainable.

But let us take heart, for the Lord declares that He will once again comfort Zion. This promise reminds us of God's unwavering love and faithfulness. It reassures us that even in our darkest moments, God is working behind the scenes to bring about restoration, healing, and prosperity.

When we face trials, it is natural for us to seek comfort. We may turn to worldly sources such as material possessions, relationships, or distractions to find solace. However, true comfort can only be found in God, who understands our deepest needs and longs to bring us peace.

The comfort that God offers is not merely a temporary relief from our troubles. It is a profound sense of reassurance that comes from knowing that we are loved, valued, and cared for by our Heavenly Father. His comfort is a balm for our weary souls, a shelter in the midst of life's storms.

As believers, we are called to be agents of comfort in this world. Just as God chooses to comfort Zion, He calls us to extend His love and compassion to those who are hurting and in need. We can be vessels of His comfort by offering a listening ear, a helping hand, and words of encouragement to those who are struggling.

Let us remember that the promise of comfort is not limited to individuals alone but extends to communities and cities. When God comforts Zion, He brings about prosperity and blessing to His people. As we come together as a congregation, let us support and uplift one another, fostering an environment of love, unity, and encouragement. Through our collective efforts, we can create a spiritual dwelling place where God's comfort abounds.

As we continue to live our life in this world, let us hold on to the promise of comfort that God offers us. Regardless of the trials we face or the state of desolation we find ourselves in, we can trust that the Lord of Hosts is working to restore, heal, and comfort us. 

May we seek His comfort above all else and be instruments of His comfort to those around us. As we do so, we will witness the overflowing prosperity and blessings that come from God's unwavering love. 

God bless you

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, be my comfort in all my time of trials in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the grace to be a comfort agent to people around me in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.