First Fruit

Proverbs  3:9 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:  3:10 So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy presses shall burst out with new wine.

We are called to honour the Lord with our wealth. This goes beyond merely acknowledging God's provision in our lives; it involves recognizing that everything we have comes from Him. 

Our material possessions, financial resources, and even the talents and abilities we possess are all gifts from God. Therefore, it is our responsibility to honour Him by using these resources wisely and for His glory.

The passage goes on to highlight the importance of the firstfruits. In biblical times, the firstfruits referred to the initial and best portion of the harvest that was set apart and presented to the Lord. It was an act of trust, obedience, and gratitude.

 By offering the first and finest of their produce to God, the people demonstrated their faith and acknowledged His provision as the source of their abundance.

Likewise, in our lives today, the concept of first fruits extends beyond agricultural offerings. It encompasses every area of our lives: our time, talents, finances, and relationships. When we give the first and best of ourselves to God, we declare our trust in His guidance and provision. We show our gratitude for His blessings and acknowledge that all we have ultimately belongs to Him.

The passage also assures us of the blessings that flow from honoring God with our first fruits. It speaks of filled barns and overflowing vats, symbolizing abundant provision and blessings in our lives. However, it is crucial to understand that these blessings are not simply material in nature. 

While God does bless us materially, His greatest blessings often come in the form of spiritual fulfillment, peace, joy, and a deepened relationship with Him.

As we have been living our lives as believers, we must ask ourselves: Are we truly honouring the Lord with our first fruits? Are we faithfully giving the best of our resources, talents, and time to God? Or are we holding back, entrusting only a portion while reserving the rest for our own desires and ambitions?

Honoring God with our first fruits requires a shift in our mindset. It demands that we prioritize Him above all else. It necessitates a willingness to surrender our plans, dreams, and possessions into His hands. 

It means seeking His guidance in decision-making, using our resources to further His kingdom, and investing our time and talents in service to others.

When we honour God with our first fruits, we align ourselves with His divine purposes. We acknowledge that He is the source of all blessings and the provider of our every need. And in return, He pours out His abundant blessings upon us.

May each of us take these words to heart and strive to honour the Lord with our first fruits. Let us be faithful stewards of all that He has entrusted to us, recognizing that our lives are ultimately for His glory. And as we do so, may we experience the blessings that come from living a life fully devoted to Him. Amen.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, I dedicate my life and my resources to you today, use it to your will in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help me to recognise and acknowledge your blessings in my life in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.