Consequences of Deceptiveness

Psalms 101:7 He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.

Deceptiveness is the quality of making someone  believe something that is not true the practice of deceiving or being deceptive. Being deceptive doesn't just involve lying. It can consist of misrepresenting or omitting the truth or more complicated cover-ups. Anything that involves intentionally misleading someone

Deception is one of the works of the devil that has gained ground in the heart of many by which they use everyday against fellow men.  This is one way a great sin before God in which it stands against the truth and His  righteousness

Deception  comes in different ways, it can be  to wrongly make profit, trying to acquire what you do not deserve,  to take revenge or perpetrate evil intentions, dissemination of false information as truth in other to receive people's trust etc.

There is no sin that does not have its consequences, as much as God's anger is high on the murderers so also is high on deceitful people, they have their path in the lake of fire. He who works deceit shall not dwell within my house; He who tells lies shall not continue in my presence.(Psalm 101:7)

Considering the life of two characters in the bible who deceive another and their respective punishment from God.

1. Cain against Abel

Genesis 4:8 One day Cain suggested to his brother, “Let’s go out into the fields.” And while they were together there, Cain attacked and killed his brother.

Cain and Abel had offered sacrifices to God in their own respective ways, but the sacrifice of Abel was accepted while that of Cain was rejected. Cain was filled with bitterness, envy sets in and  the thought of murder was birth in His heart.

There is no way he could accomplish his evil intention if not to deceive his brother into a place where he would perfectly accomplish his wickedness.

He deceived his brother into the filed, unknowingly to his brother, trusted him and followed him, not knowing he's going to be killed. Cain slew him in the field with no one seeing and able to help.

But the God of all universe saw what had just happened, nothing is a secret before God. Killing Abel does not make him acceptable before God, instead he became more rejected and a wonderer over the face of the heart.
  Genesis 4:8,10-12 ]One day Cain suggested to his brother, “Let’s go out into the fields.” And while they were together there, Cain attacked and killed his brother [10]But the Lord said, “Your brother’s blood calls to me from the ground. What have you done?  [11]You are hereby banished from this ground which you have defiled with your brother’s blood.  [12]No longer will it yield crops for you, even if you toil on it forever! From now on you will be a fugitive and a tramp upon the earth, wandering from place to place.”

2. King David against Uriah

King david was known to be a man behind God's heart, someone who wormed God's heart on several occasions and receive grace from Him, yet he fell into the sin of the lust of the flesh, saw another man's wife and slept with her forcefully as against her will.

Sin leads to another, the product of sin establish another sin, He was filled with discomfort, Uriah had been on the war front fighting for the peace and security of the nation, yet he has been backstabbed by someone who he's risking his life for.

He thought of a deceptive way to make Uriah responsible for the pregnancy, first he planned a way for him to sleep with his wife, but that failed, how could a soldier think of pleasure when the war is hot.

Then the only option left is murder, just as the devil wanted it to be, every little sin will eventually lead to murder if not exposed.

Uriah was deceived to be placed in the hot dangerous section in war, and was eventually killed.

Though Uriah could not save himself, though David thought he has satisfied His desire, but God who sees all arose with anger against David.

No matter who you are, or the level you may have attained before God, He will not take it lightly with you whenever you sin.

Prophet Nathan was sent and judgment was passed

2 Samuel 12:10-12 Now therefore, the sword shall never depart from your house, because you have despised Me, and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.’ [11]Thus says the Lord: ‘Behold, I will raise up adversity against you from your own house; and I will take your wives before your eyes and give them to your neighbor, and he shall lie with your wives in the sight of this sun. [12]For you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, before the sun.’ ”

It is easy to commit sin, but when the judgment is passed, don't think God is wicked, David asked for forgiveness, but that does not stop God from punishing him.

What about you today.

Market women : you padded all your measuring equipment and present it as the rightful measure, know for sure the judgment of God is coming upon you.

Politicians :
you deceive people with all your fake campaign promises, came up with substandard projects and infiltrate suffering on the masses, the judgment of God is coming on you soon.

You engages in substandard products, presenting it as the original product in other to make multiple gains, know  for sure that the judgment of God will come upon you very soon.

Civil servants
You change figures in other to make more gain as against the rules of the company you work for. The anger of God is coming upon you

Internet fraudsters
You deceive people in believing who you are not, appearing to be a friend in a bid to defraud them of their hard-earned money, many lost their entire life savings because of you, many die in the process as a result of shock. Know today that the judgment of God is coming upon you.

Deceptive men of devil disguising as men of God.
You fabricate lies, fake prophecies and revelations in other to capture people's attention and to extort then of their money,.
You appear to be godly but deep inside you are full of wicked intentions, you appear to be a shepherd, but deep inside you are a wolf devouring the sheep.  The anger of God is coming upon you.

You may be successful in your deceptiveness and think no one can question or challenge you, but I stand as the Nathan of this generation against you with the judgment of God.

The only way out to be saved from everlasting judgment is to repent today and forsake your evil ways, God is calling you now when he is still near.

The grace of God will guarantee you everlasting home, but you will surely suffer the consequences of your actions in this world, either you or your children and children's children.

Come to Jesus Christ today and have a new life in Him.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for being deceptive in the past in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, help be to be truthful and righteous in all my ways in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. amen.