Your Greatest Fear

Proverbs  9:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding.

What is your greatest fear?

Are you afraid of the economy?

Are you afraid of not not getting married yet?

Are you afraid of exams?

Are you afraid you are still barren?

Are you afraid you don't have a male child?

Are you afraid of low income?

Are you afraid of the wrongs you did in the past?

Are you afraid of diseases and fevers and viruses?

Are you afraid of death  ?

What is your greatest fear?

Whatever may be your fear is still not what to be afraid of.

The solution to your fear is still just another fear.

The only solution is for you to have the fear of God .

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and knowledge. If you want to be smart, really smart, really understand life and what it is all about- the meaning and purpose of it and how everything functions and works-if you want wisdom and knowledge, the Bible says, "you need the fear of the Lord."

whoever has the fear of God in his life is being constantly instructed in wisdom. So those who fear God are going to be much smarter and wiser, especially in terms of the application of knowledge, than those who do not.

Our Lord is the God of Creation ,  while those who fear  Him are god of inventions

When you fear God, you have the wisdom to prevail over any other fear.

When you fear God,  He reveals His secrets to you. (Psalms 25:14),  you know the plans of God before they happen. 

When you fear God,  every other fears vanishes. 

The fear of God means doing His will

The fear of God means obeying His commandments totally

The fear of God is living righteously at all time

The fear of God is trusting and believing in God in all situations. 

Those who fear God have nothing to fear in this world. 

Your greatest fear would be the fear of God. 

  God bless you