Unanswered prayer

James  4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.

If your prayers are not answered , don't blame God.

You are due for marriage yet you are engaging in sex chat. (God cannot be fooled)

You pray for good home yet you engage in extra marital affair, (you can only deceive yourself not God)

You pray for a good job but your heart is full of hypocrisy,.. (God cannot entrust His bless with a thief and rubber)

You want God to bless you,  yet you hinder other people's blessings. (what you do is what you get)

When you tell people what you are doing is normal, God will also tell you it is normal for you to remain  in that condition.

The more you pray in sin, the more you delay yourself .

God is not wicked. Those that must serve him must serve him in truth and in spirit

The standard of God cannot be bypassed

Check and balance your life , and see where you should be blame and not God.

God bless you.