It is a Scam

Matthew  26:48 Now he that betrayed him gave them a sign, saying, Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: hold him fast.

Scam is an attempt to defraud a person or group after first gaining their confidence.

Judas was one of the most trusted disciple of Jesus Christ,  yet he betrayed our Lord with a friendly kiss,  but that kiss was a scam.

The devil will always come in angelic clothing,  trying to deceive the Saint,  it is all a scam

Delilah appear to be a loving and caring wife to Samson,  but it was all a scam to get the root of his power. 

When a leader gives you fish but refuse to teach you how to fish,  it's all a scam. 

When the scriptures are manipulated to suit your desire,  it's all a scam.

For the Bible says,  by their fruit,  you shall Know them

Many Ministers,  Apostles,  prophets and Evangelists appears today,  all in the name of God sent,  but their real intention is to gain your trust and defraud you.  It's all a scam. 

The devil appeared to Jesus during 40days fasting,  trying to provide solutions to His hunger,  but it was a scam,  glory to God,   Jesus condemned him and his actions

When the devil approach you,  tell it to his face he's a scam. 

When that brother requires sex before marriage,  tell him he's a scam

When a prophet or Apostle offered deliverance for money,  it's a scam 

When you are told to compromise your faith to get a position,  Job,  connection etc,  it's all a scam. 

Samson could tell the story,  the result was disastrous. 

Accept the lordship of the Holy Spirit,  him alone can help you discern which is a scam. 

May God reveal every works of the devil in your life before the execution of their plans  in Jesus name..

God bless you.