The Biggest Liar in Town

John  8:44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

Satan is the biggest Liar in Town, 

He is a murderer,  he has been a murderer from the beginning,  by convincing Adam and Eve they will not die,  which through their disobedience death came to us all. 

Satan delights in man's destruction,  while God delights in man's salvation. 

Satan works in our society today by...

.. Tempting people to murder through Envy (Cain) 

... Tempting people to murder through Lust (Herod) 

... Tempting people to murder through Greed (Ahab)

... Tempting people to murder because of positions,  and wealth. 

... Tempting people to suicide because of despair 

... Tempting people to suicide because of feeling unloved 

... Tempting People to suicide because of disappointment or failure.

He is a Liar and the Father of it. 

The first recorded lie "ye shall not surely die" 

He does the same to people today,  even more to the children of God. 

He promises freedom but gives bondage 

He promises good times but  gives grief 

He promises fun but gives frustration 

He promises merriment but gives misery.

He lies to both young and old, 

He is a Thief,  To steal,  kill,  and destroy

His appearance can be in form of  false teachers,  pastors prophets and Apostles,  friends and family,  lovers, your Boss at work,  Political leaders  among others. 

You can overcome the biggest Liar in Town  by submitting yourself to God and resist the Devil

Christ provides Victory over Satan Every Time , don't give Devil the liar a chance.

God bless you.