God of Place, Time and Purpose

Ecclesiastes  3:1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

In so many areas of our life we often misunderstand the leading and purpose of God for us. 

At a point we always try to bypass the will of God,  thinking we are working towards His choice

Our God works with Time,  place and purpose respectively,  so if any of such is missing,  then you are actually not following His direction.

Jesus Christ was taken to Egypt at a point in time (For security),  yet another time came for  Him to be taken out (because that is not where His purpose is)

Abraham was told to leave his father's house and land,  it was for a purpose to bless Him. 

Joseph was sent to Egypt to lead the children of Israelite to captivity as a fulfillment of God's curse on Abraham

Yet,  Moses was raised to lead them out when their appointed time came,  (still on God's purpose.)

It was for a purpose a blind man was made blind from his mother's womb,  just to manifest the power of God,  through our Lord Jesus Christ.  (He was rightly positioned for  Jesus Christ's ministry. *John 9:1-12)

If you are at the wrong place of God,  yet with right timing and right purpose,  you are a failure. 

If you are at the right place right time but with wrong purpose,  you are a failure

If you are at the right place,  wrong time but right purpose,  you are still a failure. 

A man can be the right spouse for you,  but your purpose of living may not be with him

The job you have now may be the right choice for you,  but you may be working in a wrong place. (struggle is inevitable)

King Hezekiah was asked to prepare his home that he will die, (he never understood what God meant)  he prayed for mercy and was given  extra 15years,  but those years were out of God's presence,  he incurred curses on himself and his descendant

If God asked you to wait,  there is a purpose

If He asked you to move forward,  even when  there is no way before you,  don't argue with Him, 

If He asked you not to marry someone it's for your own good. 

We experience trouble,  difficulties,  delay,  hardship,  bad leaders today because we are out of God's will for our lives. 

The best way to live a life that pleases God is to be at the right place God wants you to be,  at the right time and serving the right purpose.  Anything other than that is failure and struggle is inevitable. 

Check your life,  and ask,  am I really working towards God's place,  time and purpose.?

You can pray for mercy to reverse His will for your life due to your selfish desire,  yet God's word will surely come to pass.  But you must have missed a lot. 

I pray,  May you not work against God's will for your life in Jesus name..