God's Open Cheque

1King3:5,  That night the Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream, and God said, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”

The wise woman /wife knows How to get her husband's favour.

Our God is in heaven doing whatever pleases Him.

Before God can give u an open cheque, u must provoke Him with something.

Solomon did, by sacrificing 1000 animals to God.
It was a sweet smelling sacrifice they reaches the throne of God.

God was moved by such wonderful and mouth wittering sacrifice to be done by just mortal.

God is not partial but He does  react some of the times to our faithful, faultless and humble actions.

He has many blessings in stock for as many who is ready to stand out before Him

A father is always proud of a brilliant and most excelling child.

you too can do same today, through your righteous,  holiness, unfailing faith, and your selfless work.

Try it today, and God will surprise you.

God bless you.