
Exodus  8:25 And Pharaoh called for Moses and for Aaron, and said, Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land.

This was a story of the Israel,  incidences preceding their exodus from Egypt. 

Pharaoh will allow the people to worship God,  but he insisted they do so in Egypt,   Satan offers the same compromise today,  believes are called to a different life which separates them from the life of the world.  We are not of the world. 

Go,  but don't go very far (8:28).... Pharaoh only lengthens the chain of their slavery,  so many things u must have involve yourself into,  which actually restrict your religion,  or your self will,.  This is part of the devil's trick to keep you more in bondage.

Go but leave your families behind (Exodus 10:8-10)... This compromise is unacceptable,  Satan wants our families,  our families ought to serve God with us...  But so sad today,  most parents are not fully concern about what their children do outside faith,  this open door for the devil to penetrate and finely take over the whole family. 

Compromise keeps us in bondage, 
So many compromises has been accepted by Christians at place of work,  with rules negating their faith in Christ,   this is one of the ways the devil takes over our lives. 

Consecration allows no compromises

No matter how beautiful,  great a gift the devil can give or offer you,  it is still an extension of  chain of slavery. 

Allow Christ to be the Lord of all in your life.(your work,  family,  possession etc)

God bless you.