Clean Feet

John  13:5 After that he poureth water into a bason, and began to wash the disciples' feet, and to wipe them with the towel wherewith he was girded.

The Saviour took upon Himself a Servant's duty,  laid down his garments and began to wash the feet of the  Disciples ,

Jesus is still washing people till today... 

The water symbolises the he word of God,  His word keeps us clean day by day..

Peter protested,  Thou shall not wash my feet..

Peter thinks he can clean up his own life. 

This is a hopeless task for him,  self righteousness and reformation does not save us from our dirt.  Only Christ can cleanse from sin. 

Peter later realize he needed total cleansing...

  Our feet get dirty walking in this dusty world,  so the need for constant washing.

This is a call for all Christians, . 

You ought to wash one another's feet.  In replica  to what Jesus did...

.. We ought to forgive others 

... We ought to be Humble 

... We ought to carefully apply the Bible to others. 

Are you like Jesus with His basin of water today?

Do you help others keep their feet clean?

A call to Humble service,  A call to a clean Walk.

Help others to maintain Holiness and righteous in their journey of faith. 

God bless you.