Anger; a Deadly Sin


Ephesians  4:26 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:

The Bible gives us permission to be angry,  but it also suggest that anger can easily lead to sin,  and we may not let that happen, 

Anger must be kept on a short period of time
Some anger are appropriate,  you may be angry why your car is stolen,  when someone hurts your child,  or perverts justice,  like God Himself,  we grow angry at injustice,  prejudice and evil, 

but unlike God,  our anger can quickly boil over and destroy relationships  if we don't deal with it appropriately  and eliminate it promptly. 

Anger is not just about your relationship with someone else,  it's about you,

 when you allow anger to be your default response to Irritation,  when you hold grudges or nurse resentment,  you actually push people away even God your maker.

We need to examine ourself in light of what God said in his word. 

Unchecked anger that turns to bitterness and an unforgiving spirit will make God turns His back at you. 

Do not let the sun go down with your anger. 

Make peace.

God bless you.