Senses out of No-sense

But God hath chosen the foolish things of
the world to confound the wise (1Corint. 1:27)

Most things God does is practically not making sense

Yes. Think of 5 loves of bread and two fishes to feed five thousand.

A stick to sink into the water so that an axe can float on water

Shouting for joy in a battle field with no weapon

Shouting hallelujah for a city wall to fall down flat.. Etc

Most of this does not make any sense,

the scientist are yet to prove it,


When believed, it is called miracle,

when applied it is called faith,

when not understood it is called impossible ,

To the wise it is called foolishness,

To the foolish it is called mystery

But to God, it is the least in what he can do.

If God is doing something and is not making any  sense to you, relax, the result will be a miracle

God make senses out of no-sense.

Good morning

Happy Lord's day