What do You Think?

Philippians  4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

Our thoughts reveal who we are,  we may appear differently to people outwardly but what we really are originates from our thoughts which latter produces our actions in life. 

A thought is the father of every word, 

Every word that brings blessings to others,.
Every word that inspires and encourages
Every word that discourages and destroy
Every word that cultivates hate and hurt.

A thought is the father of every act.. 

Every act of kindness and love
Every act of crime and violence.
Every lustful and adulterous act.
Every act of corruption and rubbery.

God is very much interested in which we chose to live with in our daily lives

As a believer in Christ Jesus...

... Our thoughts should be of things that are true (truthful)

Our thoughts should be of things that are honest(noble)

Our thoughts should be of things that are just (right,  good: Act 10:22)

Our thoughts should be of things that are pure (not compromising due to circumstances or nature)

Our thoughts should be of things that are lovely and of good report

Our thoughts should be of the best in others

Our thoughts should be focused in praising God. 

Right thoughts come from hearts that are right with God (psalm 139:23-24), if we must pattern our thoughts towards God,...

... We must confess our wrong thoughts to the Lord and be  forgiven (1 John1:9)

We must chose mental input that produces good thoughts. 

And daily meditation of the word of God.

If Christ should return today,  what will He find on your Mind?

Think about it

God bless you.