Stop chatting with the Devil

Matthew  4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

The devil is very good in engaging conversation with the believes in different areas of life.

The problem is the believe  always finds it difficult to end the communication thereby giving the devil the sure way to penetrate.

The Bible says,  the thief comes to still,  kill and destroy,  no matter how romantic,  sweet,  comfortable,  innocent the chat with the Devil might be,  the mission is always to destroy.

The earlier you end your chat with the Devil,  the better you secure your life and destiny from devil's  mission.

Eve was unable to end the conversation with the Devil, thereby falling to sin and resulted to the fall of man.

Samson despite being powerful was unable to end the conversation with the Devil(Delilah) thereby made him to loose his power, vision, mission and destiny.  

End the conversation  now.  Before it ends you

God bless you.