Don't look Back

Luke  9:62 And Jesus said unto him, No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

Jesus charge His disciples never to look back on the journey of faith, 

Looking back hinders forward progress,  it may be making you depressed,  as much as bringing you defeat. 

Don't Look Back at Sins that have been Forgiven

1John 1:7-9 guarantees forgiveness for all sins,  God puts away our sins,  though you believe this for others but not for yourself,  but has put away your sins,  even the most serious ones of all. 

Don't look Back at Defeats that get you Down. 

Everyone has some defeats in the past,  But God gives assurance of lifting us up whenever we fall (psalm 37:23) so don't allow failing make you feel you are a failure. 

Don't look Back at the past and see it better than it was.,  a great future will always beats a great past every time,  always believe each coming days is better that the past. 

Don't look Back at Old victories,  that may cause you to think you have arrived, 

you may be a Victorious child of God in the past, but what about today?

You may be a soul winner in the past,  but what about today

You have once been a vibrant and firebrand Christians in the past,  but what about today?

God is not interested in your past,  but what you are now,  and your your future.

Any Athlete  that looks back in a race,  will definitely loose balance and forfeit winning..

Look up,  look unto Jesus
Look ahead,  the best is yet to come.. 

God bless you.