Expiring Date

Ecclesiastes  1:3 What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the sun?  1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.

What do you have that others don't?

What level have you reached, that you think nobody has not been there ?

Where have you been to? , that you think nobody has never been there, even heaven , people are there already

So why the ego, why the pride, and why do you feel nobody can never get to where you are? 

Position, riches , wealth, gift are just but privilege given to you out of grace.

Are you oppressing people with it or you are helping people?

You may have the whole money of this world, remember nothing will follow you to the grave, that is if u are lucky .

Your beauty is just for a little time, the  most beautiful girl in 1960 is nowhere to be found today .

Best player do not last forever 

Best student in class do not last forever

Best preacher do not last forever 

Most beautiful girl do not last forever

The richest man do not last forever

The question is, what do people know you for. When you have not expired.

Everyone has an expiring date.

Nothing last forever

Make good use of your life when you are yet to expire. 

God bless you.