The Nine ungrateful Lepers

Luke 17:17 And Jesus answering said, Were there not ten cleansed? but where are the nine?

 From the previous verses of the same chapter, ten men that were lepers met Jesus on His way to Jerusalem.

 They cried with their voices for help unto Jesus, just like Bathemoues did, and glory to God, Jesus had companion on them.

 They receive their healing when Jesus told them to go show themselves to the priest.

 But at the instance of their healing, only one of them came back to thank Jesus.

 These ten men most have been longing to see Jesus for healing for some years back,

 They must have been to different physicians but to no avail

 They most have spent all their resources in their search for healing

 But after receiving their healing, they forgot who healed them

 They forgot to show gratitude to the one who showed compassion on them,

 Jesus asked were there not ten lepers that were healed?

 Just like you today

 When looking for solution to your problem, you are the first to be in the church

 When you are experiencing reproach, you move from one mountain to another, countless numbers of vigils and revivals

 Just because of you, prayer warrior group was created.

 But at the instance of your healing, your forget about God

 At the moment God blesses you, going to church has become a stress to you

 At the moment God takes away your reproach, you seize to show gratitude to Him who healed you.

 How well will you query God if He doesn't answer your prayers (because He knows your heart)

 How well will you challenge God if  He doesn't yield to your cry

 Do you know,

 only the healing of the one that came back to Jesus was perfected.

 This signifies that, your blessing, heading, answers to prayer can only be perfected when you show gratitude, when you praise the God who has done so much for you.

The problem you are facing today may not be from the devil, but lack of gratitude.

 When you show gratitude to God for what He has done, you give Him more reasons to listen to your other requests.

 God is always happy with those who shows gratitude.

 Are you the likeness of the one that came back to Jesus? Or the Nine ungrateful?

 Show gratitude to God always.

 God bless you.