From Bitterness to Blessing

Exodus  15:25 And he cried unto the LORD; and the LORD shewed him a tree, which when he had cast into the waters, the waters were made sweet: there he made for them a statute and an ordinance, and there he proved them,

Three days the Israelite were in the wilderness and out of water,  containers filled before leaving Egypt exhausted,  our heart needs replenishing all along the way.

There was water at Marah,  but it was bitter,  we may have bitter experiences in the wilderness

Israel was disappointed,  expecting all to go well,  we all have trials on the journey of life,  this trials came in the path of God's leading.

Because of the bitter water,  the people murmured against Moses,  bitter experiences should not make us bitter,

God showed Moses a tree,  he cast the tree into the waters and the tree made the waters sweet.

The tree had been there all the time,  the tree speaks of the tree of carvery.

Remember the cross when facing bitter experience,  the cross sweetens the bitterness in life.

Are you thirsty of soul?,  come to Jesus and drink the sweet water of eternal life.

Let God change your Bitterness to Blessing.

God bless you