Hiding from God

Genesis  3:8 And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.

God walks in the Garden in the cool of the day,  it is time for sweet fellowship with Him,  but Adam and Eve have gone into hiding.

Some people Hide from God at the Time of His Investigation  ... Where art thou?

God is always seeking sinners
Jesus came to seek and save the Lost.

Conviction of sin is evidence God is seeking
God speaking through His Word shows He is seeking

God speak through trials,  preachers,  and caring friends.

Hiding from God is Futile

There is no place to hide from Him,  even darkness cannot hide us.

Some Hide from God at the time of His Invitation

Our Lord's invitation goes to all,  with His compassion  of the cross,  He said "Come unto

Hiding from God is suicide,  but hiding in God  is safety

Hiding in Christ will give you eternal rest

Respond to God's call and come out of Hiding.

Come  to Him and be safe.

God bless you.