The Bible and the Battle

Matthew  4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.

Every Christian is in a Spiritual War,  our adversary is the Devil,  salvation  does not deliver us from this battle but it does equip us to win. 

Temptation is a daily part of the war,  the tempter always come  when we are weak,  he came to Jesus when He was very Hungary. 

Satan came up with suggestions for Jesus to turn a stone to bread,  though it was in Jesus' reach,  but it was a temptation,  Never follow Satan's suggestions,  reject them even of they sound good. 

We can defeat Satan with Scripture just as Jesus did,  God's word is the sword of the Spirit to the Spiritual battle. 

Satan never stop to look for other ways to win over our Lord Jesus Christ, 

The fact that you prevail over one temptation does not mean the devil will not come again and again through other means. 

He came through food,  through wealth and pleasure of the world,  and finally through worship. 

But glory to God,  our Lord defeated him through the Scriptures. 

Satan knows the weakest point and time of man,  so he tries to win over at any time.,  through pleasures of this world,  power,  money,  food,  and finally win over our worship with God. 

You must not allow the devil to penetrate, 

Are you struggling with Temptations? ,  yours can be Lust, fornication,  drinking,  lies,  stealing,  etc. 

You can win if you take the Bible into the Battle. 

The sword of the spirit will Bring victory every time. 

God bless you.