Too Late

Revelation  22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.

John the beloved was given the prophecy of the book of Revelation,  accounting the events of the last day. 

We live in a time of exciting prophetic fulfillment,  Jesus is coming and it's time to get ready. 

Someday it will be too late.

Too late for Salvation,  now we have enough time to repent,  enough time to make merry,  enough time to pray and enough time to ask for forgiveness.

But the time will soon stop,  when?,  nobody knows.

 He that is unjust should continue still,  he that is faithful should continue still,  he that is corrupt should continue still,  but a time is coming when it will be too late.

The blood of Jesus Christ is the only blood that can wash away our Sins,  but a day is coming  when the blood will no longer be effective. 

Now you think of not serving God,  a day is coming you will wish to serve Him,  but it will be too late. 

Now you are advised  not to Fornicate but you refuse,  a day is coming,  when it will be too late to stop.

It will be too late someday.

Too late for those  that die untimely
Too late for those who never plan for their eternity
Too late for you if you don't repent now. 

Now is the time you have.
Now is the time for your salvation
Now is the time to repent of all your sins
Now is the time to serve God,  in faithfulness and Holiness. 

Now is all you have,  because you don't know what will happen in the next minute. 

Repent now,  before it is too late. 

God bless you.