Vessels unto Honor

2 Timothy  2:20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

Vessels are either a container such as a bowl or a jug, a hollow container, especially one used to hold liquid, such as a bowl or cask. Vessels are often made of clay by the porters after series of intense molding and designing.

The biblical meaning of a vessel denotes a person whom God calls and uses, a person whom God endowed and commissioned for a mission.

As Christ died on the cross of calvary and resurrected on the third day, anyone who believes in Him and is saved has  automatically become a vessel unto God in this generation

God is absolutely pure and desires that His children be of the same quality too.1Pet 1:15-16; Matthew 5:48. The Almighty God cannot compromise this standard if He has to find a pure vessel to use.

Apostle Paul's illustration teaches that among the disciples there are those who are known by God because of their godly behaviour.

God also knows those who are unfaithful because of their hypocrisy. The vessels of gold and silver are profitable for the expansion of the kingdom.

The vessels of wood and clay are dishonorable because of their unrighteous living. Paul's point is that not all who are in the fellowship of the church are saved. Simply because one has his name in a church register does not mean that he is enrolled in the book of life.

What are you today before God?, a vessel unto honour or unto dishonour? You may be in church, bear name with Christ, have one gift or the other, contribute to the growth of the church with your cash and kind, and yet be a vessel unto dishonour

Vessel unto honour should possess the following qualities:-

Cleanliness-  All round clean without blemish.  Dan 1:8,18

Holiness- Mortify the deeds of the flesh. Col 3:5; Gal 5:10-21; Roman 12:9

Submission- To God and for God in everything- James 4:7

Denial- Refusal to be engrossed with the worldly pleasure.1John 2:15-17; 1Timothy  6:10

Prayerfulness- Consistence in prayer. Matthew 26:37-41

Studious- Life devoted to the studying of the word of God. 2 Timothy  2:15

Evangelism- They must be an incurable soul winner. John 15:1-7

Powerful- They are filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Act 1:8

Reliance- They rely absolutely on the Holy Spirit for direction. John 14:2; John 15:26

Vessel unto honour are sanctified believers who are prepared unto every good work, they possess certain qualities which include prayerfulness, holiness, devotion,etc and they have duties which are enabled by the power of the Holy Spirit

The Lord Jesus is desperately in search of vessels unto honour, hence He spent His first earthly sojourn not to recruit, but also to train, sanctify,disciple and commission those He found.

Are you a vessel unto honour in God's hand?, check your life today and look for the qualities of a vessel unto honour, if any is missing, make amends so you will be glorified by God.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, give me the grace to be a vessel unto honour in your hands in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, purge me and cleans mean from every filthiness which makes me a vessel unto dishonour.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.