The kingdom of Heaven

Matthew  25:14 For the kingdom of heaven is as a man travelling into a far country, who called his own servants, and delivered unto them his goods.

Jesus wouldn't want us to be ignorant of the sole desire of God concerning His kingdom. He expressly explain through a parable to His disciples and His followers. 

It was like a master going on a journey who called his servants and entrust them with talents to trade with till his coming. This is  a representation of  Christ who called those He claimed, those that  had identified themselves by their submission to His will. 

He gave them talents, Jesus made use of the  monetary unit to refer to the abilities or opportunities that one has which they can use to the glory of God.

God has given every man the ability and opportunity and the responsibility that can be used to His glory for the time they are on earth. 

Jesus' audience here is not limited to the religious  leaders who has been given responsibility to spiritually lead His people to produce fruit in the vineyard of God but also to anyone who has confessed Christ as Lord and personal saviour.

The talents were given according to the capability of the individual to perform in its use. Thus God expect the receivers of the abilities or opportunities to exercise use of what they can do, and not what they cannot do.

God expected that everyone be held accountable for the talents that were delivered to them, inactivity in the kingdom is not acceptable.

When the kingdom reign of Christ is in the hearts of those who have accepted Him as their lord, then they are moved into actions  for the king.

You have been chosen by God, you have been given talents, gifts, abilities and opportunities which you can use for the glory of God. What are you doing with it? What has been your response towards the commission God has given to you? 

Christ is coming back again, and you will surely give account of how well you have traded your talents and opportunities.   It is good to make use of whatever God has given you either time, money, words of counsel, wisdom, songs etc for His glory so as to received a good reward from him. 

God frowns on anyone who  hide or horde their talents instead of using it for His glory. Do not be on the anger list of God. 

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, help me to utilize all you have given me for your glory in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, help me not to disappoint you when you shall return in Jesus Christ name 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.