The Unacceptable Offering

Genesis  4:3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD.  4:4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering:  4:5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.

As much as God demand offerings from man, not all offerings are acceptable before Him, no matter how big, how beautiful, how eye-catching it may be, if it does not meet the demands of God, it will be rejected.

Such was the case of Cain and Abel's offering before God, they both brought offerings from thier substance according to their capability. But their heart were different, as God sees beyond the eyes, God rejected Cain's offerings because of the evil that resides in his heart.

God abhors the sacrifice where the heart is not  found. If you want to find out Cain's condition of heart you will find it after the service which he pretended to render; you know a man best out of church; the minister sees the best side of a man, the lawyer the worst, and the physician the real.

If you want to know what a man's religious worship is worth, see him out of church. Cain killed his brother when church was over, and that is the exact measure of Cain's piety.

Many of our offerings are rejected and unacceptable before God, even if it cost us something to bring, or we thought its the best for God. It may be accepted by man, but not with God.

Some of the reason for rejected offerings are listed below.

1.  When  offered  by  an  evil person  such  as  Cain “And  in  the  process  of  time  it  came  to  pass that  Cain  brought  an  offering  of  the  fruit  of  the ground  to  the  LORD.    Abel  also  brought  of the  firstborn  of  his  flock  and  of  their  fat.  And the  LORD  respected  Abel  and  his  offering, but  He  did  not  respect  Cain  and  his  offering.” (Genesis  4:3-4

2.  When  offered  by unauthorized  people  such  as Korah,  Dathan,  and  Abiram “Now  it  came  to  pass,  as  he  finished  speaking all  these  words,  that  the  ground  split  apart under  them,    and  the  earth  opened  its  mouth and  swallowed  them  up,  with  their households  and  all  the  men  with  Korah,  with all  their  goods” (Numbers  16:31-32)

3.  When  offered  without  obedience and  submission  to  God “Has  the  LORD  as  great  delight  in burnt  offerings  and  sacrifices  as  in obeying  the  voice  of  the  LORD? Behold,  to  obey  is  better  than sacrifice,  and  to  heed  than  the  fat  of rams.” (1  Samuel  15:22

4.  When  offered  with  pride and  self-righteousness  like the  Pharisee “I  tell  you,  this  man  went  down  to  his house  justified  rather  than  the  other; for  everyone  who  exalts  himself  will be  humbled,  and  he  who  humbles himself  will  be  exalted.” (Luke  18:14

5.  When  the  offering  is obtained  by  unlawful  means “You  shall  not  bring  the  wages  of  a harlot  ….to  the  house  of  the  LORD your  God.” (Deuteronomy  23:18)

6.  When  offerings  are  without mercy  or  the  knowledge  of  God “For  I  desire  mercy  and  not  sacrifice, and  the  knowledge  of  God  more  than burnt  offerings.” (Hosea  6:6)

7.  When  the  offering  is  not befitting  God’s  honor  and  glory And  when  you  offer  the  blind  as  a sacrifice,  Is  it  not  evil?  And  when  you offer  the  lame  and  sick,  Is  it  not  evil? Offer  it  then  to  your  governor!  Would he  be  pleased  with  you?  Would  he accept  you  favorably?”  Says  the  LORD of  hosts. (Malachi  1:8)

8.  When  offered  without  first reconciling  with  my  brother “Therefore  if  you  bring  your  gift  to  the altar,  and  there  remember  that  your brother  has  something  against  you, Leave  your  gift  there  before  the  altar,  and go  your  way.  First  be  reconciled  to  your brother,  and  then  come  and  offer  your gift.” (Matthew  5:23-24)

9.  When  offered  without  love “If  a  man  would  give  for  love  all  the wealth  of  his  house,  It  would  be  utterly despised.” (Song  of  Songs  8:7) “And  though  I  bestow  all  my  goods  to feed  the  poor,  and  though  I  give  my body  to  be  burned,  but  have  not  love,  it profits me nothing.” (1  Corinthians  13:3)

10.  When  offered  in  order  to seek  the  praise  of  others “Take  heed  that  you  do  not  do  your charitable  deeds  before  men,  to  be seen  by  them.  Otherwise  you  have no  reward  from  your  Father  in heaven.” (Matthew  6:1)

What is the condition of your  heart when you bring offerings to God?, you may be wasting your time and resources if your heart is not inline with God.

Repent today so that you and your offering will be acceptable.

God bless you.

Prayer key:

1. Lord thank you for the blessing of a new day in Jesus Christ name.

2. Lord, forgive me for bringing unacceptable offering unto you in Jesus Christ name.

3. Lord, heal my heart and give me a contrite heart in Jesus Christ name.

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.