Divine Support

Nehemiah  2:3 And said unto the king, Let the king live for ever: why should not my countenance be sad, when the city, the place of my fathers' sepulchres, lieth waste, and the gates thereof are consumed with fire?

It was a time of captivity for the Jews and the city of Jerusalem, many had been taken captive and those who remain are in great  distress and reproach 

The land has become desolate, the walls were broken down and the city gate destroyed by fire. What more evil can a man or people experience than this?

Nehemiah was a devoted Jews to the laws of God, he was borne in captivity but never forgets his root. On hearing the news of the desolate city, he wept bitterly and mourned several days 

As a man, he has no power to effect a change, he does not even have the freedom of his own because he's a prisoner serving in the King's court as a cupbearer, but he resulted to seek the face of God in time of his distress and powerlessness, he fasted and prayed. 

Only those who are passionate for the work of God will fast, their fasting is an indication of the sincerity of their prayer. 

The covenant of God for the Jews was to be with them forever and no nation shall be able to defeat them. It was not that God  broke the covenant, it was the people with whom  God made the covenant who broke the conditions for maintaining the covenant. 

For Nehimaiah to have victory and be comforted by rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem his home, he understood he needed the divine support. So he prayed before appearing in the presence of the king... When you put God first  before your problem, victory is certain. 

For any slave to have appeared before the king with a sad face and not being cheerful and joyful, such slave would have had his head cut off, but when God is involved, every error becomes  an opportunity. 

He was favoured by King Artaxerxes because he had first consulted with the king of kings. Resources was provided too for him for the rebuilding work. These were all possible because there was a divine support that was released on his behalf. 

What are you going through today that seems all hope is gone, what situation exist in your life which portrays itself as impossible or a dead end. Don't be afraid, if the support of man fails, then you have the divine support only if you can call on the divine God. 

Nehimaiah didn't cry before man, but before God, he took his problem to God first and not man and so heavenly blessings were released on him. 

You can do the same today, go to God, cry to Him, and He will give you the support you need. 

Trust Him and wait for His timely intervention. You will definitely not be put to shame.

God bless you. 

Prayer key:

1. Lord, thank you for the blessing of today in Jesus Christ name. 

2. Lord, I. Come before you, all my effort as a man is failing me, stand for my help and support me in Jesus Christ name. 

3. Lord, give me the grace to trust you all my life in Jesus Christ name. 

4. Thank you Lord for answered prayers in Jesus Christ name. Amen.